Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Schneeweiss 35 Jahre Erfahrung

Main areas of work

Inno­va­ti­ve drug the­ra­pies for breast can­cer and gyneco­lo­gi­cal can­cer within pha­se I‑IV stu­dies, the appro­ved stan­dard or as off-label

  • Tar­ge­ted novel sub­s­tances, e.g. signal trans­duc­tion inhibitors
  • Immu­no­the­ra­pies
  • Dose-inten­si­fied chemotherapy

Mole­cu­lar pro­fil­ing for bio­mar­ker eva­lua­ti­on and the­ra­py stratification

  • Who­le geno­me and tran­scrip­to­me sequen­cing for 
  • ear­ly high-risk breast can­cer pati­ents (COGNITION study)
  • Fort­ge­schrit­te­ne / Metasta­sier­te Advan­ced / Meta­sta­tic Breast Can­cer Pati­ents (CATCH Study)Brustkrebs-Patienten (CATCH-Stu­die)

Head of the stu­dy cen­ter at the uni­ver­si­ty women’s clinic

  • Num­ber of curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed cli­ni­cal stu­dies: 42 (16 recrui­ting, 18 in fol­low-up, 8 in preparation)
  • Curr­ent­ly prin­ci­pal inves­ti­ga­tor or head of cli­ni­cal tri­als in 11 studies
  • Total num­ber of stu­dies con­duc­ted to date (pha­se I/II/III/IV): >120

Medical / professional career

sin­ce 2018DKFZ-Fel­low
sin­ce 2007Head of the Gyneco­lo­gi­cal Onco­lo­gy Sec­tion at the Natio­nal Cen­ter for Tumor Dise­a­ses (NCT) Heidelberg
sin­ce 2005
Head of the onco­lo­gi­cal out­pa­ti­ent depart­ment with day cli­nic at the women’s cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Heidelberg
sin­ce 2004
Head of the stu­dy cen­ter at the women’s cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Heidelberg
sin­ce 2004
depu­ty Head of the Coope­ra­ting Onco­lo­gy Group for gyneco­lo­gi­cal tumors and breast can­cer at the Natio­nal Cen­ter for Tumor Dise­a­ses (NCT) Heidelberg
2002 – 2003
Chair­man of the onco­lo­gi­cal working group of the tumor cen­ter in Heidelberg/Mannheim
Octo­ber 2001
Euro­pean Onco­lo­gy Exami­na­ti­on of the Euro­pean Socie­ty of Medi­cal Oncology
1998 – 2005
Inter­ni­stic-onco­lo­gi­cal seni­or phy­si­ci­an at the women’s cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Heidelberg
1997 – 1998
Hema­to­lo­gy-Onco­lo­gy Seni­or Phy­si­ci­an at the Medi­cal Cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Heidelberg
July 1997
Spe­cia­liza­ti­on in hema­to­lo­gy and inter­nal oncology
Octo­ber 1995
Spe­cia­list in inter­nal medicine
1988 – 1989Basic mili­ta­ry ser­vice doctor
Intern­ship abroad at Johns Hop­kins Hos­pi­tal in Bal­ti­more, USA

Scientific career

Sep­tem­ber 2006Extra­or­di­na­ry pro­fes­sor­ship at Ruprecht-Karls Uni­ver­si­ty in Heidelberg
May 2004Habi­li­ta­ti­on at the medi­cal facul­ty of the Ruprecht-Karls Uni­ver­si­ty in Heidelberg
1989 – 1997
Sci­en­ti­fic assistant at the Medi­cal Cli­nic of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg with a focus on hae­ma­to­lo­gy, onco­lo­gy, rheu­ma­to­lo­gy and cardiology
Decem­ber 1989Doc­to­ra­te at the Ruprecht-Karls Uni­ver­si­ty in Heidelberg
1981 – 1987Stu­dy of human medicine

Publications 2015 — 2021 (Selection)

Hlevn­jak M, Schul­ze M, Elgaa­fa­ry S, Fremd C, Michel L, Beck K, Pfüt­ze K, Rich­ter D, Wolf S, Horak P, Kreutz­feldt S, Pix­berg C, Hut­ter B, Ishaque N, Hirsch S, Giel­don L, Sten­zin­ger A, Spring­feld C, Sme­ta­nay K, Seitz J, Mav­ratz­as A, Brors B, Kirs­ten R, Schuetz F, Fröh­ling S, Sinn HP, Jäger D, The­wes V, Zapat­ka M, Lich­ter P, Schnee­weiss A. CATCH: A Pro­s­pec­ti­ve Pre­cis­i­on Onco­lo­gy Tri­al in Meta­sta­tic Breast Can­cer. JCO Pre­cis Oncol. 2021. doi: 10.1200/PO.20.00248. [Epub ahead of print].

Den­kert C, Seit­her F, Schnee­weiss A, Link T, Bloh­mer JU, Just M, Wim­ber­ger P, For­ber­ger A, Tesch H, Jackisch C, Schmat­loch S, Rei­nisch M, Solo­may­er EF, Schmitt WD, Hanusch C, Fasching PA, Lüb­be K, Sol­bach C, Huober J, Rhiem K, Mar­mé F, Rei­mer T, Schmidt M, Sinn BV, Jan­ni W, Sti­cke­l­er E, Michel L, Stöt­zer O, Hah­nen E, Fur­la­net­to J, Sei­ler S, Neklju­do­va V, Untch M, Loibl S. Cli­ni­cal and mole­cu­lar cha­rac­te­ristics of HER2-low-posi­ti­ve breast can­cer: poo­led ana­ly­sis of indi­vi­du­al pati­ent data from four pro­s­pec­ti­ve, neoad­ju­vant cli­ni­cal tri­als. Lan­cet Oncol. 2021 .doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00301–6. [Epub ahead of print].

Schnee­weiss A, Bau­er­feind I, Fehm T, Jan­ni W, Thoms­sen C, Wit­zel I, Wöckel A, Mül­ler V. The­ra­py Algo­rith­ms for the Dia­gno­sis and Tre­at­ment of Pati­ents with Ear­ly and Advan­ced Breast Can­cer. Breast Care 15:608–618, 2020.

Con­te P, Schnee­weiss A, Loibl S, Mamou­nas EP, von Minck­witz G, Mano MS, Untch M, Huang CS, Wol­mark N, Rasto­gi P, D’Hondt V, Redon­do A, Sta­ma­to­vic L, Bon­ne­foi H, Cas­tro-Sal­gue­ro H, Fischer HH, Wahl T, Song C, Bou­let T, Trask P, Gey­er CE Jr. Pati­ent­re­por­ted out­co­mes from KATHERINE: A pha­se 3 stu­dy of adju­vant tras­tu­zu­mab emtan­si­ne ver­sus tras­tu­zu­mab in pati­ents with resi­du­al inva­si­ve dise­a­se after neoad­ju­vant the­ra­py for human epi­der­mal growth fac­tor recep­tor 2‑positive breast can­cer.
Can­cer. 2020. doi: 10.1002/cncr.32873. [Epub ahead of print]
*Shared first author

Schnee­weiss A, Hess D, Joer­ger M, Var­ga A, Mould­er S, Tsim­be­r­idou AM, Ma C, Hur­vitz SA, Rentzsch C, Rudolph M, Thie­le S, Boix O, Wil­kin­son G, Lag­ka­di­nou E, Ocker M. Pha­se 1 Dose Escala­ti­on Stu­dy of the Allos­ter­ic AKT Inhi­bi­tor BAY 1125976 in Advan­ced Solid Can­cer-Lack of Asso­cia­ti­on bet­ween Acti­vat­ing AKT Muta­ti­on and AKT Inhi­bi­ti­on-Deri­ved Effi­ca­cy. Can­cers 11(12). pii: E1987, 2019.

Schnee­weiss A, Möbus V, Tesch H, Hanusch C, Den­kert C, Lüb­be K, Huober J, Kla­re P, Küm­mel S, Untch M, Kast K, Jackisch C, Tho­m­al­la J, Ingold-Hepp­ner B, Bloh­mer JU, Rezai M, Frank M, Engels K, Rhiem K, Fasching PA, Neklju­do­va V, von Minck­witz G, Loibl S. Inten­se dose-den­se epi­ru­bicin, pacli­ta­xel, cyclo­phos­pha­mi­de ver­sus weekly pacli­ta­xel, lipo­so­mal dox­oru­bicin (plus car­bo­pla­tin in tri­ple­ne­ga­ti­ve breast can­cer) for neoad­ju­vant tre­at­ment of high-risk ear­ly breast can­cer (Gepa­rOc­to-GBG 84): A ran­do­mi­sed pha­se III tri­al. Eur J Can­cer 106:181–192, 2019.

Loibl S, Untch M, Bur­char­di N, Huober J, Sinn BV, Bloh­mer JU, Grisch­ke EM, Fur­la­net­to J, Tesch H, Hanusch C, Engels K, Rezai M, Jackisch C, Schmitt WD, von Minck­witz G, Tho­m­al­la J, Küm­mel S, Rau­ten­berg B, Fasching PA, Weber K, Rhiem K, Den­kert C, Schnee­weiss A. A ran­do­mi­sed pha­se II stu­dy inves­ti­ga­ting durvalu­mab in addi­ti­on to an anthr­acy­cli­ne taxa­ne-based neoad­ju­vant the­ra­py in ear­ly tri­ple nega­ti­ve breast can­cer — cli­ni­cal results and bio­mar­ker ana­ly­sis of Gepar­Nue­vo stu­dy. Ann Oncol 30(8):1279–1288, 2019.

Schnee­weiss A, Park-Simon TW, Alba­nell J, Las­sen U, Cor­tés J, Die­r­as V, May M, Schind­ler C, Mar­mé F, Cejal­vo JM, Mar­ti­nez-Gar­cia M, Gon­za­lez I, Lopez-Mar­tin J, Welt A, Levy C, Joly F, Michie­lin F, Jacob W, Adessi C, Moi­san A, Meneses-Loren­te G, Racek T, James I, Cep­pi M, Has­mann M, Weis­ser M, Cer­van­tes A.Phase Ib stu­dy eva­lua­ting safe­ty and cli­ni­cal acti­vi­ty of the anti-HER3 anti­bo­dy lum­re­tu­zu­mab com­bi­ned with the anti-HER2 anti­bo­dy per­tu­zu­mab and pacli­ta­xel in HER3-posi­ti­ve, HER2-low meta­sta­tic breast can­cer. Invest New Drugs 36:848–859, 2018.

Fremd C, Jae­ger D, Schnee­weiss A. Tar­ge­ted and immu­no-bio­lo­gy dri­ven tre­at­ment stra­te­gies for tri­ple-nega­ti­ve breast can­cer: cur­rent know­ledge and future per­spec­ti­ves. Expert Rev Anti­can­cer Ther 23:1–14, 2018.

Schnee­weiss A, Chia S, Hicki­sh T, Har­vey V, Eniu A, Wald­ron-Lynch M, Eng-Wong J, Kirk S, Cor­tés J. Long-term effi­ca­cy ana­ly­sis of the ran­do­mi­sed, pha­se II TRYPHAENA car­diac safe­ty stu­dy: Eva­lua­ting per­tu­zu­mab and tras­tu­zu­mab plus
stan­dard neoad­ju­vant anthr­acy­cli­ne-con­tai­ning and anthr­acy­cli­ne-free che­mo­the­ra­py regi­mens in pati­ents with HER2-posi­ti­ve ear­ly breast can­cer. Eur J Can­cer 89:27–35, 2018.

Schmid P, Adams S, Rugo HS, Schnee­weiss A, Bar­ri­os CH, Iwa­ta H, Dié­ras V, Hegg R, Im SA, Shaw Wright G, Hen­schel V, Moli­ne­ro L, Chui SY, Fun­ke R, Husain A, Winer EP, Loi S, Emens LA; IMpassion130 Tri­al Inves­ti­ga­tors. Ate­zo­li­zu­mab and Nab-Pacli­ta­xel in Advan­ced Tri­ple-Nega­ti­ve Breast Can­cer. N Engl J Med 379:2108–2121, 2018

Hof­heinz RD, Gen­cer D, Schulz H, Stahl M, Hege­wisch-Becker S, Loeff­ler LM, Kro­na­wit­ter U, Bolz G, Poten­berg J, Tau­chert F, Al-Batran SE, Schnee­weiss A. Mapi­sal Ver­sus Urea Cream as Pro­phy­la­xis for Cape­ci­ta­bi­ne-Asso­cia­ted Hand-Foot Syn­dro­me: A Ran­do­mi­zed Pha­se III Tri­al of the AIO Qua­li­ty of Life Working Group. J Clin Oncol 33:2444–9, 2015.


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