How our skin changes during pregnancy.

How our skin changes during pregnancy ..!

Dr. med. Ali­ce Mar­tin explains in an enter­tai­ning and infor­ma­ti­ve way what the­re is to know about dia­per rash.
A pregnant woman’s body adapts as the baby grows, the bel­ly grows. The estro­gen level rises — this can trig­ger a kind of beau­ty fren­zy in women: radi­ant skin and full hair. Howe­ver, some women can also expe­ri­ence skin pro­blems from pregnan­cy. The­se include, for exam­p­le, dry skin, acne during pregnan­cy or increased pig­men­ta­ti­on. More on this topic in this video!

Do you have spe­ci­fic ques­ti­ons or do you need tre­at­ment? Then feel free to use our app. Here you will recei­ve a doctor’s let­ter with a pre­scrip­ti­on from the der­ma­to­lo­gist within 24 hours.

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