Cover picture Podcast Weissbunt with Prof. Mechsner.

Podcast: Endometriosis, the ignored disease!

With Prof. Mechsner and Prof. Sehouli

Spon­ta­neous­ly, intui­tively, wit­hout a script, pure impro­vi­sa­ti­on! Authen­tic, honest, direct! That’s what Weiss­bunt stands for!

Prof.Dr. Jalid Seh­ouli, direc­tor of the women’s cli­nic at the Cha­ri­té — Cam­pus Virch­ow, star­ted his own pod­cast “Weiss­Bunt” in May 2021. He is a renow­ned can­cer spe­cia­list, gynae­co­lo­gist, sci­en­tist, wri­ter and citi­zen of the world and has been com­mit­ted to civil socie­ty for holi­stic and social coexis­tence for years.

About Prof.Dr. Syl­via Mechs­ner Prof. Dr. medi­cal Syl­via #Mechs­ner stu­di­ed #human medi­ci­ne at the Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin and recei­ved her doc­to­ra­te in 2001 at the Insti­tu­te for Bio­che­mis­try. Sin­ce 2001 she has been employ­ed at the gyneco­lo­gy cli­nic, #Cha­ri­té, whe­re she is curr­ent­ly working as a seni­or phy­si­ci­an at the Virch­ow-Kli­ni­kum cam­pus. She has hea­ded the Charité’s endo­me­trio­sis rese­arch labo­ra­to­ry sin­ce 2005, and the endo­me­trio­sis cen­ter sin­ce 2014. In 2019 she was appoin­ted pro­fes­sor for endo­me­trio­sis rese­arch. dr Mechs­ner leads many rese­arch pro­jects and cli­ni­cal stu­dies rela­ted to the patho­ge­ne­sis and pain mecha­nisms of #endo­me­trio­sis.

The pod­cast was crea­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with the Ber­lin mar­ke­ting agen­cy Brand Acti­va­ti­on Ber­lin and builds bridges from the world of medi­ci­ne to the most diver­se are­as of society.


Pro­duc­tion: Brand Acti­va­ti­on Ber­lin Direc­tor & Editing: Rafa­el Löff­ler Image source Syl­via Mechs­ner: Get­ty Images/eternalcreative ZS Ver­lag, Ben Fuchs


@dr.sehouli @brandactivation_berlin


Press Inqui­ries:

Karim Lore­ti per E‑Mail to

Gene­ral inqui­ries: by email to

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